Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I saw it on pinterest

Ive seen so many online that start with "I saw it on pinterest", I thought I should do my own.  I saw a rainbow cake and I pinned to my wall, well my next grocery trip I picked up supplies.  My sous Joshie was a big help, not just with the making but also with the eating!

Friday, February 4, 2011

pinterest fiend

Okay have you about pinterest?  Its like tumblr but the interface is so much easier to navigate and user friendly.  Well I finally got an invite and it is spectacular.  I am totally cracked out on it.  I think I may need professional help.  Anyway if you apply for an account it can take awhile, but if you get invited it's instant.  So If you need an invite email me at joshnwillsma@gmail.com and I will send you one.
oops had my email wrong earlier! if you emailed me and didnt get anything yet try again